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帮助中心 |
How is the whole process when placing an order with you? |
First we have to confirm the specification or your requirement of products with you.Second we will quote you best price when we have your quantity.Third we have to receive the requirement of the order after you confirm anything.Fourthly we will send out products after we receive the transfer. |
How do I request a catalog? |
You can conact our sales team and tell us your main market and product range ,we will send our latest catalog to you by email after we confirm your information. |
I see an item in the catalog that is not previewed on your website, can I still order that item? |
Of course! Our website only gives tough impression of our product range, that is why we make catalog with more detailed information. Whenever there is a special requirement,we will try to find the right model . |
What is your frequently accepted payment term? |
Letter of Credit and TT 100% before shipment are both acceptable for us.But it sometimes depends on the particular order,we would discuss individually. |
Can I do an OEM/ODM? |
Yes,absolutely!As long as you authorise us to do it. We can also help push an ODM project for you .You see ,this is another aspect of our advantage. |